Sapulpa High School Athletics

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Required Forms for ALL Athletic Participation

Grades 6-12

PHYSICALS, DRUG TESTING AND OSSAA FORMS are required for student-athlete participation.  


To participate in athletics, all student-athletes are required to fill out participation forms once per school year.  All forms are permanently stored on our Rank One website.

In order to complete online forms you will need the student/athlete school ID number.


Sapulpa students will use their school ID to complete the Rank One forms.


New students will need to complete and submit the New student Form to the Athletic Office at the Chieftain Center.  As soon as the Athletic Office receives your New student Form you will receive an email with an ID number.


Step 1 of 3:  Complete all Rank One Forms

  1. Go to
  2. Towards the top on the right hand side of the page, click Fill Out Forms.
  3. Select Oklahoma from the drop down box
  4. Select Sapulpa Schools
  5. Select Electronic Participation Forms at the top of the page
  6. Complete
    1. OSSAA Eligibility Form
    2. Emergency Information and Consent Form
    3. Insurance and Transportation Release
    4. Concussion and Impact Acknowledgement
    5. Athletic Participation Form
    6. Drug Testing Form
    7. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Acknowledgement
    8. HB2615 Acknowledgement
    9. student Handbook Acknowledgement


Step 2 of 3:  A Complete Physical must be turned in

  • Go to Rank One, click on the ‘Download and Print’ tab. Print a copy of the Physical Form.
  • Physical Forms need to be turned in to the student’s Head Coach or the Athletic Trainer.
    • Note:  Physical exams and drug testing are offered for all students each May, for the subsequent school year, during Student-Athlete Exam Night. All students who miss this event must complete the exams on their own with a licensed practicioner.


Step 3 of 3:  A Drug Test must be taken and turned in

  • Drug Testing is required only for grades 8-12
  • Go to Rank One and download the Drug Test Form.
  • If student-Athlete Exam Night is missed, students must attain a 8-panel drug test on their own at a licensed testing facility. Sapulpa Indian Health Center as well as DATL (Drugs of Abuse Testing Laboratory, 2626 South Sheridan in Tulsa) both administer the needed test.  
  • For DATL testing, students must pay $15 in the Athletic Office then take receipt to DATL.  DATL will do the test and SPS will get the results.


All THREE Steps must be completed before participation will be granted for an athlete to practice or play in a game.

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